Table of Contents 08 14 1 Advancing Seed in Alberta | spring.2018 10 FEATURES 08  TREATED SEED OFFERS INSURANCE AGAINST THREATS Start your season off right. 10  PLANNING FOR FUSARIUM IN 2018 Plan for the worst, hope for the best. 14  EYE IN THE SKY Drones are proving to be valuable crop scouting tools for growers and agronomists in Alberta. 22  ARE SEED TESTING METHODS KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES? Seed quality is important not only to farmers, but a company’s reputation hinges on it. We ask some of the industry’s foremost experts if testing methods are keeping up with technological advances. 30  BLACKLEG AND CLUBROOT IN CANOLA An update on incidence, severity and best management practices. 34  INDUSTRY TAKING ACTION ON POLLINATORS Looking at efforts in Canada to protect pollinators and what the implications could be for the seed sector. 38  CSI CONTEMPLATES A RESPONSIVE ROLE FOR THE FUTURE The Canadian Seed Institute’s executive director says the organization is a relevant model to look to for future discussions on a next-generation seed system. 40  WHEN PRODUCTION AND MARKETING DECISIONS COLLIDE There is no magic formula, but following some bigger picture trends can help.