5 Advancing Seed in Alberta | spring.2018 DAVID BISHOP GREETINGS and Happy New Year to all of you on behalf of the Alberta Seed Processors. As we transition from the winter into the planting season, our 67 cooperative seed and grain cleaning facilities have been busy processing seed grain and ensuring that all of you are ready for the upcoming year. Speaking of 2018, this issue of the Alberta Seed Guide is all about planning and thinking ahead. As partners in the agricultural industry, we know that being ahead of the curve is critical to our survival and something that we all do. That is why we are so proud of this spring’s issue. In the following pages, we will arm and inform you with disease mitigation strategies ranging from on-farm solutions to research projects that will ensure profitability for generations to come. Our industry is on the forefront of tackling complex issues – ranging from data management systems to Fusarium head blight. As you will see, our editorial team is committed to bringing you the latest sound science to help you craft your business strategy. You will also see this in our new and improved variety guide that now, more than ever, delivers the key information about the seed varieties you may be selecting. As we celebrate our 65th year representing our members, our organization has also been busy preparing our industry for the road ahead. As we learn more and more about the importance of global crop issues – from a changing climate to the shifting landscape of pest control – we have been going full bore with our strategy of education and mitigation as opposed to just simple prevention. A critical part of this strategy is our Seed Smart initiative, which encourages all farmers to utilize seed tests as an important tool on your farm. Only through a comprehensive test can you properly assess the quality of your seed and ensure that your resources are being allocated efficiently and effectively. Coupled with a 4R nutrient stewardship strategy for soil testing, we are aiming to equip all of you with the tools you need to succeed. Alberta’s seed processors are your partners in the fight to stay at the forefront of disease management, and are always happy to send your seed sample to an accredited lab for testing. Our members can handle both seed and grain, and can also upgrade your grain to get a better grade. Let us help you – we are all in this together! On a personal and bittersweet note, I am retiring from the board of directors this year. I have really treasured my time representing this organization and have never been more optimistic about our direction and the future of our industry. Representing your sector through a farmer board is a great way to be involved, and I encourage any of you who have thought about it to take the plunge. There is no better way to influence policy, expand your network and contribute to the greater good – and you get to have a few laughs along the way! Thank you all for your support. Please keep in touch. David Bishop President Alberta Seed Processors [email protected]