SPRING - CWHWS S F R C AAC ICEBERG BI: AAFC (Winnipeg), Dist: Alliance Seed Mercer, Lloyd A., Connie, Ryan & Bolstad, Leslie / Lethbridge / AB / (403) 327-9736 R Stamp Seeds / Enchant / AB / (403) 739-2233 S F R AC WHITEHAWK BI: AAFC (Winnipeg), Dist: SeCan Members Mercer, Lloyd A., Connie, Ryan & Bolstad, Leslie / Lethbridge / AB / (403) 327-9736 C cereals – performance trials and grower directory 68 www.seed.ab.ca | Advancing Seed in Alberta Southern Alberta Seed growers growing for you! AAC Lacombe Pea Semi-leafless, high yielding yellow pea with mildew resistance AAC Chiffon Soft Wheat Outyields AC Andrew & Sadash, with a large kernal size, good straw strength & shattering resistance Guttino Hybrid Fall Rye Exceptional yields, very high falling numbers, strong straw AAC Gateway Winter Wheat High yielding with improved FHB resistance Cardale HRSW Semi-dwarf, good lodging, moderate FHB resistant with good yield Muskwa Barley 6-row, smooth awn, semi-dwarf, one of the top yielders in 2012 AB variety trials Sunray Triticale Short, strong straw, high yielding with improved Ergot resistance Our members also have CDC Precision Durum and so much more! Coming soon - new yellow flax, new yellow pea and spelt! AAC Lacombe Pea AAC Chiffon Soft Wheat Guttino Hybrid Fall Rye AAC Gateway Winter Wheat Cardale HRSW Muskwa Barley Sunray Triticale Visit us at www.seednet.ca for more information Email: [email protected] Phone: 403-715-9771 CANADA WESTERN HARD WHITE SPRING Variety Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Yield Category (% AC Barrie): Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance: Low < 45 (bu/ ac) Medium 45 – 75 (bu/ac) High > 70 (bu/ ac) Matu- rity Rating Protein % Test Weight (lb/bu) TKW (g) Height (cm) Awns (Y/N) Resistance to: Loose Smut Bunt Stripe Rust Leaf Spot FHB Ldg. Sprt. Previously tested varieties (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to AC Barrie) AC Barrie (bu/ac) 60 42 63 84 AC Barrie 100 100 100 100 M 14 62 38 87 N G G MR I S MS I AAC Iceberg 39 104 96 106 107 M -0.7 64 39 86 Y G P MS I MR MS I CDC Whitewood 43 107+ XX 110 105 M -0.9 64 38 87 Y G G S S I MS I Snowbird 94 101 99 101 101 M -0.2 62 36 89 N G G MR MS MS S I Snowstar 58 102 99 103 102 M -0.8 64 30 82 N G G MS S MS I MS Whitehawk 42 107 112+ 108+ 106 E -0.9 63 33 90 N G G I MS MS MS I REMARKS: For explanations on data summarization methods, abbreviations and other pertinent information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The long term average maturity for AC Barrie is 106 days and rated as Medium (M). Fusarium head blight (FHB) infection is highly influenced by the environment and heading date. Under high levels of FHB all varieties will sustain damage. Moderately Resistant (MR) and Resistant (R) ratings for FHB do not equate to immunity. Varieties rated Intermediate (I) to Susceptible (S) for loose smut or bunt should be treated with a systemic seed treat- ment to reduce the potential for infection. XX - Insufficient data to describe. † - Flagged for possible removal in 2019. = Protected by the 1978 Act of the UPOV Convention. = Protected by the 1991 Act of the UPOV Convention.