canola – performance trials and grower directory 79 Advancing Seed in Alberta | spring.2018 Small Plots Mid season zone (5 sites) Overall 10 sites in 2017 Distributor Name Yield (% 5440) Days to maturity Lodging1 Height (Inches) Yield (% 5440) Days to maturity Lodging1 Height (Inches) Disease tolerance2 Clearfield BrettYoung 5545 CL 96 97 1.7 42 96 98 1.5 47 BL CANTERRA SEEDS CS2200 CL 89 100 1.6 42 90 100 1.4 46 BL Crop Production Services / Proven Seed PV 200 CL 93 98 1.7 43 94 98 1.4 47 BL DuPont Pioneer 46H75 96 100 1.6 43 96 100 1.4 47 BL LSD (5%) 13 13 Liberty Link Bayer CropScience 5440 100 96 1.3 43 100 97 1.2 47 BL Bayer CropScience L241C 97 96 1.3 42 98 96 1.2 45 BL, CR Bayer CropScience L252 105 96 1.4 43 105 98 1.3 46 BL LSD (5%) 14 11 Roundup Ready DuPont Pioneer 45H33 100 95 1.7 42 99 96 1.5 48 BL, CR DuPont Pioneer 45M35 103 97 1.5 41 102 97 1.4 45 BL BrettYoung 6074 RR 99 100 1.7 40 99 99 1.4 44 BL, S BrettYoung 6076 RR 95 98 1.5 44 95 98 1.3 48 BL, CR, S BrettYoung 6080 RR 91 97 1.5 38 91 97 1.3 43 BL BrettYoung 6090 RR 101 99 1.5 45 99 98 1.4 49 BL, CR DEKALB 74-44 BL 87 95 1.7 39 90 96 1.4 42 BL CANTERRA SEEDS CS2000 94 98 1.7 41 94 97 1.4 46 BL, CR CANTERRA SEEDS CS2100 97 97 1.8 40 95 97 1.6 44 BL CANTERRA SEEDS CS2300 103 98 1.5 42 101 99 1.3 48 BL DL Seeds DL1634 RR 96 100 1.5 43 96 100 1.3 48 BL Crop Production Services / Proven Seed PV 540 G 94 96 1.6 40 96 97 1.3 44 BL Crop Production Services / Proven Seed PV 581 GC 97 99 1.5 43 95 99 1.3 48 BL, CR BrettYoung 4187 RR 97 99 1.4 43 97 99 1.3 47 BL, CR Cargill V12-1* 95 96 1.6 41 95 97 1.4 44 BL LSD (5%) 10 10 CHECK 5440 AVERAGE YIELD (BU/AC) 67 65 * Indicates varieties with Specialty oil profiles and premiums associated with pricing. Visit for more details 1 - Lodging score, 1 to 5 scale, lower score indicates less lodging 2 - Indicates genetic disease resistance with an “R” or resistant rating to BL=Blackleg, CR=Clubroot and improved tolerance to sclerotinia “S”, based on variety descriptions submitted to CFIA LSD - least signficant difference at 5% level