New Varieties SeCan 1-800-665-7333 AAC Stronghold CWAD +2 days Strongfield 104% AC Strongfield MS to FHB R to Leaf and Stem Rust Short strong straw Solid stem for saw fly protection AAC Tisdale CWRS -1 day Carberry 105% Carberry MR to FHB R to Leaf and Stem Rust S to Stripe Rust High Protein Strong straw MR to FHB Richardson Pioneer Bred by Syngenta Canada 1-877-964-3682 SY Obsidian CWRS -1.4 Carberry 100% Carberry 105% in Black Zones R to Leaf Rust MR to Stripe Rust I to Leaf Spot and Stem Rust R to Loose Smut Excellent lodging Quality and protein similar to Glenn WHEAT 92 | Advancing Seed in Alberta