b'SEED INDUSTRYStrengthening the Seed Chain in the Americas Benefits Everyone WHEN ASKED WHATS NEW? I always haveadvances to solve phytosanitary issues within to stop and pause. If youve asked me this andthe SAA countries. Were also promoting the wondered why the pause, its not because of a lackimplementation of and defining actions that help of issues we are working on or that Im thinkingfacilitate the international movement of seed.of the proper words. Working on issues in theOne of the constraints to the movement of seed industry is like building a cathedral. Its slow,seed within the Americas is treated seed. We are its planned, its intentional and its a continualworking to better understand the characteristics layering of stone and other materials. and benefits of treatments and technologies The Seed Association of the Americas (SAA)applied to seed, as well as the regulatory aspects is committed to promoting and facilitating thethat must be considered when moving treated seed business in North and South America.seed internationally. Given the tremendous The main topics common to both continentsgrowth in the trade of treated seed among the Scott Horner,are phytosanitary matters, with the focus ofAmericas and throughout the world, there needs General Manager,facilitating trade; biotechnology and innovationto be a space where we can answer frequently HyTech Production in genetic improvement; treatments andasked questions. The Seed-Applied Technologies technologies applied to seed; and finally, innovation in genetic plant breeding, intellectual property and breeders rights.Held in conjunction with the Argentine seed association, SAA held its 7th Seed Congress of the Americas Sept. 1012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This meeting brings representatives from the seed industry together with those who work in regulatory roles, allowing for productive dialogues and debates needed to work through some of the most important issues at hand. Regarding phytosanitary matters, its been two years since the International Plant Protection Convention approved the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No. 38. The Working Group continues its work with national associations to evaluate efforts made by official organizations, by industry and the interaction of both on these issues. Our goal here is to identify and analyze new challenges and to capitalize on the 104seed.ab.ca'