b'????????????????InVigor has done it again. Check it out atInVigorResults.ca. The 2020 trial results demonstrate what many growers have known for decades.InVigor hybrid canola has a long history of consistency and performance. But dont just take our word for it. We have the most extensive, replicated localized trial data that says it all.For more information, contact AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273) or visit agsolutions.ca/InVigor.Always read and follow label directions.AgSolutions,and INVIGOR are registered trade-marks of BASF.2020 BASF Canada Inc.John Deeres green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol, and John Deere are trademarks of Deere & Company.Client: BASF Canada Publication: Alberta Seed Guide File Name: InVigor_2020 Performance_Print_ASG-DPS_v1 Page Position: DPS4C CMYK BW . . . Desiree V1Project Name: InVigor Performance Ads Live Area: 15.375 x 9.875 ART DIR CREATIVE CLIENT STUDIO ARTDocket Number: 2832 Trim size: 16.5 x 10.875 . . . . 09/28/20Ad #: kenna_DPS4CB_ASG_2832_Performance Bleed: 16.75 x 11.125 PMS PMS COPYWRITER ACCT MGR SPELLCHECK PROD MGR PROOF #'