b'listen more, Stewart says. The conversations are all going to be different. She offers the following tips when following the manta: At the very corewhen Talk More. We can challenge someone to say, Use the term mental health in your next conversation. I mean, you canpeople ask: What can we always say, I read this story in the Alberta Seed Guide aboutdo? We go back to our slogan mental health. It can be that simple just use the term so it becomes more normal in your vocabulary.that we live by which is talk Listen More. Listen with the intent to understand. Asmore, ask more, listen more.producers, we have to be jacks of all trades all the time and we are quick to offer solutions. But when someone is talking about Adelle Stewarttheir mental health, it could be almost degrading to just say Well at least it is not this, or Chin up as it really isnt that bad. What we really want to do is just listen and be there. communities across Canada. Partnered with Farm Credit Ask More. That falls into the middle of those by reallyCanada, the fund was created to bring mental health education having a conversation, just instead of asking: How are ya?and literacy to communities at no cost.Being authentic and having fact based conversations: Man,With COVID-19 putting the kibosh on in person events, Do harvest has been really hard or harvest has been really great.More Ag is doing what everyone else isgoing virtual.How has your experience been with it and how is your familyWe pivoted this year because we do (events) during the major handling the stressors? off season for most producers, the January to April timeframe, she explains. So we had run half of them and we had to pivot Proving Resources and Stepping Up and moved our workshop to a virtual model early on. We have Stewart says Do More Ag has a Community Resource Funddelivered it to over 500 producers already since it has been which helps to bring mental health resources to agriculturerunning, and there is more to come in early 2021. Farmers Growing To view our full line up offor Farmers varieties visit www.seednet.ca or call 403-715-9771 to discuss our varieties today!C e r e a l s S p e c i a l C r o p s H y b r i d Fa l l R ye P u l s e sFall 2020 37'