b'Admittedly, China currently has a leg-up on CanadaI think what will happen more and more is buyers will say, for processing. Because China has far less stringent safety,This is great, but is it possible for me to get this in this specific environmental and social regulations, investors can buildprotein level? or What I really need is a fibre with these processing plants much more quickly and easily there than here.particular characteristics, or a starch that works in this particular That said, consumers care about where and how their food isway, I know I sound a little like the Jetsons, but I dont think produced, which means China isnt at such an advantage.Im that far off, says Ammeter. I dont see China being a long-term solution, says Ammeter.Its a total win, she says, noting the entire value chain has A lot of companies are demanding good air, good water, goodsomething to gain from Canadaand Albertabecoming a HACCP [food safety hazard avoidance protocol]. We at timesplant protein powerhouse. question whether food processors are willing to pay enough forIn addition to demand increasing for more specialized varieties, it yet, but customers definitely want it. the seed industry may also benefit from increased total demand.PPAAs goal is to make plant protein a key economic driverI may be wrong, but it seems to me that if youre growing of Albertas economy. To get there, PPAA is striving towarda very specific product for a company, youre going to use supporting the development of high-functioning value chains,certified seed rather than [farm-saved seed]. Youre not going state-of-the-art infrastructure and commercialized, market- to take a chance that what youre selling a company is not driven products. It sees itself fulfilling four key roles: leadingabsolutely [to specifications], she says.and supporting strategic alliances, encouraging collaborativeLikely, the move to speciality, company-specific varieties will relationships, cheerleading new ideas, and building awareness.translate to more closed loop systems. While contract growing Already, Canada has drawn some big time investment. Amongspecialized varieties for a single processor is different than the more exciting builds, is the new Roquette plant slatedgrowing for traditional commodity sale, successful closed loops, to open in Portage la Prairie, Man., in 2020. With an annuallike Nexerra canola or Viterras bean contracting in southern processing capacity of 125,000 tonnes of yellow peas per year,Alberta, are already operating.the company describes the plant as the largest pea processing Madeleine Baergplant in the world. However, peas are certainly not the only plant protein with potential.Hemp seed protein has really taken off. There are so many products right now using hemp seed for everything from hand lotion to hemp milk, says Ammeter. There are a lot of opportunities for oats right now and, again, were growing theHomegrown Seed Expertisebulk of them. Canolathere is a lot of opportunity there toWith our extensive network of seed growers we handpick extract the protein left in the meal after the oil has been crushedthe best varieties to deliver to our farmer customers.out. Flax, triticale, barley, rye: the world is demanding more protein and, here we are, we have it.Possibly the very biggest challenge to bringing in significant new investment is industry mindset: the move from growingPulsesraw product to growing and then carrying that product right through processing requires a major paradigm shift. The change isnt impossible: in fact, Canada has proven its ability to shift toward a processing mentality with canola. In a small number of years, Canadian agriculture and agri-foodSpecial successfully built a fully integrated canola processing sector thatCereals Cropsgenerates far better returns than canola would as a raw commodity. Now, the same needs to occur across commodity types.There is a real desire to change. Everyone is starting to recognize that we are at the complete mercy of global markets. Some of those markets do whatever they want without playing by the rules, says Ammeter.Seed growers should welcome the growing interest in plant.ca 403.715.9771 proteins with open arms. To date, most breeding has focused on improved agronomics (standability, disease resistance, etc.)Farmers Growing for Farmersand more generalized crop attributes (e.g. high protein levelContact us today to learn more about the full line of seed and seed and high oil content). Plant protein processors, however, mayservices your local independent SeedNet growers have to offer. need uniquely specific product characteristics, which couldof [email protected] seednet.catranslate to increased opportunities for seed growers to grow niche varieties.Pulse Special Edition 2020 7'