104 | Advancing Seed in Alberta DRY BEAN – WIDE ROW Variety Type Site Years 1997 - 2018 Overall Yield Days to Bloom1 Days to Maturity TSW2 (g) Plant Height (cm) Lodging3 (1 - 5) Growth Habit4 Varieties tested in the 2018 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to the checks) AC Black Diamond (kg/ha) 3198 AC Black Diamond Black Shiny 44 100 57 102 265 37 2.2 II AAC Black Diamond 2 Black Shiny 11 101 58 1 257 36 2.3 II Island (kg/ha) 3849 Island Pinto 25 100 56 99 368 40 3 II AAC Explorer Pinto 6 92 52 -3 369 34 2.8 II AAC Expedition (A) Pinto 2 83 56 387 31 3.7 II AAC Tundra (kg/ha) 3714 AAC Tundra Great Northern 17 100 52 96 350 42 2.9 II AAC Whitehorse Great Northern 14 98 51 373 42 2.8 II AAC Whitestar Great Northern 8 97 54 368 44 2.9 II AC Resolute Great Northern 14 97 51 1 351 42 2.5 II AAC Y012 (kg/ha) 3671 AAC Y012 Yellow 6 100 52 99 398 34 1.5 I AAC Y015 Yellow 6 87 54 1 399 33 2.3 I AAC Cranford (kg/ha) 3068 AAC Cranford Cranberry 4 100 55 98 592 32 1.9 I Previously tested varieties (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to the checks) AC Black Diamond (kg/ha) 3017 AC Black Diamond Black Shiny 40 100 57 103 265 38 2.2 II CDC Blackcomb Black Matte 11 79 62 0 178 35 1.8 II Island (kg/ha) 3758 Island Pinto 20 100 56 100 369 41 3 II AAC Burdett Pinto 9 101 55 -6 354 44 2.2 II CDC WM-2 Pinto 14 76 56 1 369 40 2.5 II Medicine Hat Pinto 12 93 61 4 354 42 2.4 II Winchester Pinto 13 85 56 4 337 40 2.5 II AAC Tundra (kg/ha) 3570 AAC Tundra Great Northern 13 100 52 97 349 42 2.9 II AC Polaris Great Northern 6 107 62 7 300 37 4.1 II AC Redbond (kg/ha) 3149 AC Redbond Small Red 29 100 52 100 319 40 2.4 II CDC Sol (kg/ha) 2350 CDC Sol Yellow 14 100 55 104 409 33 1.5 I Myasi Yellow 9 89 63 6 350 34 2.1 I Viva (kg/ha) 3137 Viva Pink 29 100 54 102 258 34 3.8 III Remarks: ▲ = Applied for Plant Breeder’s Rights protection (PBR). = Protected by PBR (UPOV 78). = Protected by PBR (UPOV 91). A = First year entries (2018). XX = Insufficient data to describe. 1 Days to bloom from seeding; 2 Thousand Seed Weight; 3 Lodging: 1 = erect, 5 = flat. 4 Growth Habit: I = determinate bush, II = indeterminate bush, III = indeterminate prostrate. CANARYGRASS S F R C CDC CIBO ▲ BI: CDC, DIST: Canterra Seeds Jonk, Nicholas / Westlock / (780) 349-5458 R CHICKPEA S F R C CDC LEADER BI: CDC, DIST: N/A Willms, Henry & Timothy H. / Grassy Lake / (403) 655-2434 R C CDC ORION BI: CDC, DIST: N/A Kiffiak, Nathan & Mercer, Ryan / Foremost / (403) 867-2338 S R Willms, Henry & Timothy H. / Grassy Lake / (403) 655-2434 S F R C CDC PALMER BI: CDC, DIST: N/A Chin Ridge Seeds Ltd. / Taber / (403) 223-3900 S Mercer Seeds Ltd. / Lethbridge / (403) 327-9736 S Willms, Henry & Timothy H. / Grassy Lake / (403) 655-2434 S F Spring Wheat: AAC Elie, AAC Iceberg, AC Whitehawk, CDC Bradwell Winter Wheat: AAC Elevate, AAC Gateway Durum: CDC Precision, AAC Congress Barley: Canmore, CDC Austenson Flax: WestLin 71 Brown, CDC Dorado Yellow Peas: CDC Inca Mustard: Andante Yellow, Centennial Brown, Vulcan and Forage Oriental Hemp: Grandi, Finola Ryan Mercer 1905035 TWP Rd 72 Lethbridge County, AB T1K 8G9 P: 403-327-9736 C: 403-308-2297 E:
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