61 www.seed.ab.ca | spring.2019 .LWWOH)DUPV/WG 6(/(&76(('*52:(5 352&(6625 3KRQH   &HOO   %R[9LNLQJ$OEHUWD7%1 $QGUHZ.LWWOH_%LOO.LWWOH 2019-2020RecommendedMaltingBarleyVarieties THE Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) recommended list is designed to provide producers with an indication of which malting barley varieties have the greatest potential for selection and marketing. Each variety on the recommended list has been pilot scale tested at the CMBTC and all exhibit good malting and brewing characteristics. All varieties on the list are registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). malting barley Recommended Varieties VARIETY TYPE MARKET COMMENTS SEED DISTRIBUTOR CDC COPELAND 2 ROW ESTABLISHED DEMAND SECAN AC METCALFE 2 ROW ESTABLISHED DEMAND SECAN AAC SYNERGY 2 ROW GROWING DEMAND SYNGENTA AAC CONNECT 2 ROW GROWING DEMAND CANTERRA SEEDS CDC BOW 2 ROW GROWING DEMAND SECAN LEGACY 6 ROW LIMITED DEMAND FP GENETICS •  Marketing opportunities remain for Newdale (FP Genetics) and Bentley (CANTERRA SEEDS) in certain regions. Contact Canada Malting in Calgary for contracting opportunities. •  CDC PlatinumStar (CANTERRA SEEDS) is a closed-loop variety. Contact Prairie Malt/Cargill in Biggar for contracting opportunities. •  Demand for six-row malting barley is limited. Contact Viterra in Regina for Legacy contracting opportunities. Contact Malteurop in Winnipeg for Tradition (FP Genetics) and Celebration (CANTERRA SEEDS) contracting opportunities. •  In Eastern Canada, AC Metcalfe, Newdale and AAC Synergy have had the greatest success in selection in recent years. Varieties In Development VARIETY TYPE MARKET COMMENTS SEED DISTRIBUTOR CDC FRASER 2 ROW UNDERGOING SEED PROPAGATION SECAN LOWE 2 ROW UNDERGOING SEED PROPAGATION SECAN •  These newly registered varieties are undergoing seed propagation and commercial market development. Contact the seed distributor for opportunities to trial these promising new varieties. The CMBTC and its members recommend: •  Talk with your grain company representative, local elevator operators, malting companies, or the representative seed company about opportunities in your area to grow and market two-row and six-row malting barley varieties. • Use certified seed to ensure varietal purity, reduce disease incidence and increase the likelihood of selection for malt. Questions? For inquiries please contact the CMBTC by email at [email protected] or call 204-984-4399.