62 | Advancing Seed in Alberta WILDEMAN SEED FARMS Specializingin •CDCCopeland2rowMalt •Amisk6-rowseed •ACMorganMillingOats •AACBrandonWheat •CDCSpectrumPeas Russell Wildeman • Clive, AB • 403-470-8528 Wrentham, AB • P: 403 222 2258 • E:
[email protected] Malt Barley Varieties: AAC Connect AAC Synergy AC Metcalfe CDC Copeland CDC Bow Durum Varieties: AAC Spitfire AAC Stronghold Yellow Peas: CDC Inca cereals – performance trials and grower directory AlbertaandBritishColumbiaPedigreedSeedGrowersDirectoryofVarietiesProducedin2018 GrowerlistingswerepreparedbytheCanadianSeedGrowers’AssociationforvarietieseligibleforsaleinCanadaandcrops issuedcertificatesatthetimeofpublication.Breedinginstitutionanddistributorlistingswerepreparedbythepublisher.PBR statusisnotedfollowingthevariety.CSGAassumesnoresponsibilityforerrorsoromissionsinanylistings.Pedigreedclass codeislistedafterthegrower’sphonenumber.S=Select;F=Foundation;R=Registered;C=Certified.BI=BreedingInstitution; Dist.=CanadianDistributor(s).Varietieswithastar(*)afterthepedigreedclasscodearecarryoverseed. MALTING BARLEY Variety 2 or 6 row Awn Type Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Yield Category (% AC Metcalfe): Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance: Low < 75 (bu/ ac) Med. 75 - 100 (bu/ac) High 100 - 125 (bu/ac) V. High > 125 (bu/ac) Mat. Rating Test Weight (lb/bu) TKW (g) Height (cm) Resist- ance to Lodging Loose Smut Other Smuts Root Rot Scald Net Blotch: FHB Spot form Net form Varieties tested in the 2018 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to AC Metcalfe) AC Metcalfe (bu/ac) 100 59 88 110 137 AC Metcalfe 2 R 538 100 100 100 100 100 M 52 46 79 F R I I S I S I AAC Connect 2 R 42 104 XX 108 102 104 M 51 50 79 G S R MS S MR I MR AAC Synergy 2 R 69 114 121 114 112 114 M 51 49 78 F S I I S R MR MS CDC Copeland 2 R 137 103 98 104 104 104 M 51 48 81 F MS I I S I I I CDC Goldstar ▲ 2 R 27 111 XX XX 106 112 M 52 49 84 G I R XX S MR I MS Lowe ▲ 2 R 42 111 XX 113 117 106 L 51 50 87 F R R XX MR MR I MR Sirish ▲ 2 R 42 112 XX 114 110 113 M 51 49 69 G S R XX MR MS MS MS Previously tested varieties AC Metcalfe 2 R 100 100 100 100 100 M 52 46 79 F R I I S I S I Bentley 2 R 77 105 109 102 105 106 M 52 47 81 G MS MR MR S R MS MS CDC Bow 2 R 42 104 XX 106 105 104 M 51 48 77 VG S I MS MS MR S MS CDC Clear (hulless) 2 R 43 95 XX 92 100 XX L 62 47 85 G R R I S R MS MR CDC Fraser 2 R 39 109 XX 114 110 108 M 51 49 76 G R MR MS MS MR MR I CDC Kindersley 2 R 47 104 XX 102 104 104 E 53 43 78 G S R I S MR MS I CDC Meredith † 2 R 65 107 102 108 108 107 L 51 46 76 F R MR MR S R S I CDC PlatinumStar ▲ 2 R 42 106 XX 108 107 102 M 53 49 82 F R R S S MR I MR CDC PolarStar † 2 R 43 101 XX 103 105 97 M 52 44 79 G S R MS S MR S MR Cerveza 2 R 49 109 XX 109 108 109 M 51 46 74 F R R I S MR MS I Major 2 R 72 107 104 108 107 106 M 51 45 73 G R MR I MS MR I I Merit 57 † 2 R 87 109 110 108 109 111 VL 51 44 79 F MS S I MS MR MS MS Newdale 2 R 94 105 106 104 105 106 M 52 46 73 F S MR MR MS MR I I Legacy 6 SS 122 99 93 95 102 103 M 49 39 82 G I MR MR S MR S MS Remarks: For explanations on data summarization methods, abbreviations and other pertinent information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The long term average maturity for AC Metcalfe is 95 days and is rated as Medium (M). Varieties rated Intermediate (I) to Susceptible (S) for smuts should be treated with a systemic seed treatment to reduce the potential for infection. The Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) evaluates and recommends malting barley varieties for industry acceptance. Please refer to the 2018-2019 CMBTC Recommended Malt Barley Variety List for more information. CDC Clear is a hulless malting variety. New registrations: CDC Copper (TR14150), TR15155 and TR16629, insufficient data to describe: CDC Copper, TR15155 and TR16629. XX - Insufficient data to describe. † - Flagged for possible removal in 2020.