71 www.seed.ab.ca | spring.2019 cereals – performance trials and grower directory CANADA WESTERN RED SPRING Yield: Annual Means by Productivity Environment * Low Yield Sites (< 65 bu/ac) High Yield Sites (>= 65 bu/ac) Overall Yield Station Years of testing Variety 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 Carberry (bu/ac) 48 51 53 51 73 80 82 82 70.2 Carberry (% check) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 59 AAC Brandon (check) 106 107 106 17 5605HR CL 99 102 101 14 CDC VR Morris 108 104 105 14 CDC Titanium VB 104 98 101 12 Coleman 89 95 93 14 Thorsby 97 103 101 14 AAC Connery 98 103 103 109 104 28 AAC Prevail 98 103 102 109 104 28 Go Early 100 99 103 102 102 28 SY479 VB 93 97 92 96 94 28 SY637 94 94 98 103 98 28 AAC Cameron VB 105 111 93 112 117 113 111 42 AAC Redberry 102 104 95 105 103 99 102 42 AC Barrie 95 98 89 95 100 93 95 42 CDC Bradwell 99 108 94 99 112 101 103 42 SY Slate 102 103 97 100 104 104 102 42 AAC Viewfield 111 113 97 107 109 117 109 108 110 59 AAC Tisdale ▲ 103 92 105 107 99 99 101 45 CDC Adamant VB ▲ 104 86 103 110 107 100 104 45 CDC Hughes VB ▲ 107 95 101 108 105 97 103 45 CDC Landmark VB ▲ 107 92 100 111 109 102 105 45 SY Sovite 101 94 98 102 98 93 97 45 AAC Alida VB ▲ 100 104 107 101 103 31 AAC Jatharia VB 96 108 107 106 106 31 Parata ▲ 87 99 95 100 97 31 SY Chert ▲ 91 104 109 97 102 31 SY Obsidian ▲ 102 100 108 100 103 31 CDC Go (benchmark) 98 100 106 106 104 31 Stettler (benchmark) 95 107 103 105 104 31 Number of Sites 5 5 3 6 9 9 11 11 * Please see the INTRODUCTION for an explanation of this new yield format Pedigreed Seed – Thorsby, Alberta Wheat: CPSR: AAC Crossfield • AAC Penhold HRS: AAC Connery • AAC Brandon • AAC Redwater Barley: Feed/Silage: Canmore Malt: AAC Connect Hulless: CDC Hilose • CDC Clear Oats: CDC Seabiscuit • CDC Camden Peas: CDC Amarillo • CDC Limerick Canterra Canolas Soybeans: Dario R2X Xtend RR2 Thorsby, AB T0C 2P0 Phone: 780-434-1322 Cell: 780-940-7566 • 780-690-6974 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Don & Krystyna, Stephen & Tasha Sendziak