80 | Advancing Seed in Alberta Westlock, AB Greg & Clifford Cyre Cell (780) 307-4332
[email protected] Wheat AAC Brandon AAC Penhold AAC Crossfield - NEW AC Foremost Peas Cooper (Green) Faba Beans Snowbird WETASKIWIN SEED & GRAIN CO-OP LTD. Seed cleaning – Colour sorting – Treating Seed Sales – Certified & common varieties available Distributor of seed for Nutrien Ag Solutions and Co-op Agro Wetaskiwin. 4710-40 Avenue, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 0A2 Phone: (780) 352-6212 Fax: (780) 352-6219 E-mail:
[email protected] Toll free: 1-877-352-6212 FALL RYE Variety Hybrid or OP Variety Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Yield Category (% Hazlet) Agronomic Characteristics: Low < 48 (bu/ac) Medium 48 - 80 (bu/ac) High 80 - 112 (bu/ac) V. High > 112 (bu/ac) Winter Survival Test Weight (lb/bu) TKW (g) Falling Number (sec) Height (cm) Resistance to Lodging Varieties tested in the 2018 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Hazlet) Hazlet (bu/ac) 100 45 63 92 135 Hazlet OP 56 100 100 100 100 100 EX 59 39 147 107 G Brasetto Hybrid 20 123 XX 121 134 120 EX 59 36 246 104 VG Guttino Hybrid 20 120 XX 119 122 120 EX 60 36 279 101 VG KWS Bono Hybrid 26 138 XX 135 130 133 EX 58 33 260 98 VG KWS Daniello Hybrid 13 125 XX 128 126 123 VG 59 34 266 100 G KWS Gatano Hybrid 16 132 XX 138 125 121 VG 58 32 252 97 F Prima OP 47 86 77 76 91 90 EX 58 33 192 119 F Remarks: Hazlet has lower viscosity which improves feed performance in monogastric livestock. Fall rye is much more cold tolerant than winter wheat or winter triticale. The long term average heading date and maturity for Hazlet is June 1 and August 6, respectively. All fall rye varieties are similar for heading and maturity and are considered early. A major factor in marketing rye grain into the milling market is sprouting. This is generally measured using the Hagberg falling number test and is measured in seconds. Typically, a falling number of 180 seconds or greater is preferred by the rye milling market. Falling number is heavily influenced by moisture around harvest time and producers must make sure rye is harvested in a timely manner, similar to wheat crops. There is considerable variation in fall rye varieties for falling number and this must be considered if the milling market is the targeted end-user for rye grain. All fall rye is susceptible to ergot, however KWS Daniello and KWS Gatano have reduced susceptibility. AFSC crop insurance deadlines for seeding fall rye is September 20, north of the Bow River and September 30, south of the Bow River. RYE S F R C GUTTINO BI: KWS Lochow GMBH, DIST: SeedNet Inc. Specialty Seeds Ltd. / Bow Island / (403) 545-6018 C* Stamp Seeds / Enchant / (403) 739-2233 C* Willms, Henry & Timothy H. / Grassy Lake / (403) 655-2434 C HAZLET BI: AAFC (Swift Current), DIST: SeCan Members Degenhardt, Keith L. , Terry Lee & Kerry / Hughenden / (780) 856-2383 C Alect Seeds / Three Hills / (403) 443-9599 R KWS BONO BI: KWS Lochow GMBH, DIST: FP Genetics FP Genetics / Regina / (306) 791-1045 C KWS DANIELLO BI: KWS Lochow GMBH, DIST: SeedNet Inc. Benci, Dennis / Carmangay / (403) 643-2294 C Specialty Seeds Ltd. / Bow Island / (403) 545-6018 C Stamp Seeds / Enchant / (403) 739-2233 C Willms, Henry & Timothy H. / Grassy Lake / (403) 655-2434 C Witdouck, Dale / Iron Springs / (403) 738-4395 C KWS GATANO BI: KWS Lochow GMBH, DIST: FP Genetics FP Genetics / Regina / (306) 791-1045 C MUSKETEER BI: AAFC (Swift Current), DIST: SeCan Members Degenhardt, Keith L. , Terry Lee & Kerry / Hughenden / (780) 856-2383 R PRIMA BI: AAFC (Swift Current), DIST: SeCan Members Page, Dan / Didsbury / (403) 335-4563 R Stamp Seeds / Enchant / (403) 739-2233 C* TRITICALE - WINTER S F R C LUOMA BI: FCDC (Lacombe), DIST: Corns Brothers Farm Ltd. Corns, Bryan / Taber / (403) 223-1614 F METZGER BI: FCDC (Lacombe), DIST: Haney Farms Ltd. Wood, Robert, Patricia & Marshall / Bowden / (403) 588-3548 C cereals – performance trials and grower directory