92 | Advancing Seed in Alberta Pedigreed Seed Wheat: AAC Penhold & AAC Brandon Barley: CDC Copeland & CDC Austenson Oats: AC Morgan Rick Kemp 403-318-1793, or Innisfail Seed Cleaning Plant 403-227-3400
[email protected] 28541 Twp Rd 355A, Red Deer County, AB. T4G 0H5 silage – performance trials SPRING-FALL CEREAL MIXTURES Variety Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Area Yield Category: Nutritional Data: 3 5 Low < 8.0 (t/ac) Medium 8.1 10.0 (t/ac) High > 10.1 (t/ac) CP (%) TDN (%) Ca (%) P (%) K (%) Mg (%) Varieties tested in the 2018 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to CDC Austenson) CDC Austenson (t/ac) 11.5 8.6 14.4 8.6 XX 14.4 8.3 60.4 0.3 0.1 2.1 0.1 CDC Austenson 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 CDC Baler 2 93 95 91 95 XX 91 124 101 104 121 112 124 Taza 2 68 43 94 43 XX 94 149 109 109 227 152 130 AC Radiant/CDC Austenson 2 110 115 104 115 XX 104 111 102 91 140 104 106 AC Radiant/CDC Baler 2 86 82 89 82 XX 89 116 103 98 141 113 118 AC Radiant/CDC Taza 2 100 106 94 106 XX 94 112 100 69 156 94 90 Metzger/CDC Austenson 2 97 106 89 106 XX 89 105 104 96 134 94 100 Metzger/CDC Baler 2 89 74 105 74 XX 105 110 101 86 131 105 106 Metzger/Taza 2 86 82 90 82 XX 90 119 104 78 144 96 96 Prima/CDC Austenson 2 95 82 107 82 XX 107 110 101 115 136 104 133 Prima/CDC Baler 2 81 64 99 64 XX 99 111 98 96 121 115 116 Prima/CDC Taza 2 103 112 94 112 XX 94 118 103 69 142 93 104 Remarks: For explanations on data summarization methods and other information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The yield comparison is expressed in several ways. First, overall actual yield of the standard check in t/ac along with the number of station years of testing. Second, actual yield of the standard check in each growing area. Third, average yield of each variety is expressed in % relative to the standard check. And finally, yield performance is also expressed on the basis of environmental productivity (Yield Test Categories of Low, Medium and High). Consistent performance over all Yield Test Categories indicates that a variety may have good yield stability over a wide range of environments. XX - Insufficient data to describe. OAT Variety Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Area: Yield Category: Nutritional Data: 2 3 4 5 6 Low < 8.0 (t/ac) Medium 8.1 10.0 (t/ac) High > 10.1 (t/ac) CP (%) TDN (%) Ca (%) P (%) K (%) Mg (%) Varieties tested in the 2018 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to CDC Baler) CDC Baler (t/ac) 10.6 9.6 9.6 14.4 11.2 8.2 6 10 14.8 9.5 61.4 0.3 0.2 1.9 0.2 CDC Baler 43 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 AC Juniper 33 93 96 94 94 86 103 103 81 91 101 101 95 107 101 105 AC Morgan 42 100 105 100 94 96 109 104 95 100 99 101 100 112 99 97 CDC Haymaker 38 99 106 98 99 97 100 103 97 98 99 100 100 103 101 99 CDC Seabiscuit 16 99 88 103 107 98 101 97 97 102 99 101 96 99 96 98 CDC SO1 43 96 88 103 90 95 98 99 93 95 102 102 97 102 98 103 Murphy 37 102 104 105 101 102 102 104 101 102 93 96 96 98 101 98 ORe3542M 4 99 XX 97 96 84 119 97 119 90 110 103 100 118 89 98 Waldern 36 102 98 104 98 100 110 104 106 99 95 99 107 101 95 99 Previously tested varieties AC Mustang 39 98 99 97 95 99 99 96 99 99 101 99 99 103 101 99 Derby 6 96 100 XX 106 89 94 89 93 101 89 100 98 99 100 110 Everleaf 5 94 XX 113 106 72 XX 108 76 67 96 98 105 97 110 92 Foothills 21 99 103 95 101 99 103 99 96 102 99 98 103 103 102 100 Jordan 20 100 107 92 88 100 121 102 102 96 97 100 96 105 97 112 Remarks: For explanations on data summarization methods and other information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The yield comparison is expressed in several ways. First, overall actual yield of the standard check in t/ac along with the number of station years of testing. Second, actual yield of the standard check in each growing area. Third, average yield of each variety is expressed in % relative to the standard check. And finally, yield performance is also expressed on the basis of environmental productivity (Yield Test Categories of Low, Medium and High). Consistent performance over all Yield Test Categories indicates that a variety may have good yield stability over a wide range of environments. XX - Insufficient data to describe.