b'P R O V E NB YD E S I G NThe way we see it, the Proven Seed lineup is state of the art. Proven Seed offers leading edge technology you can count on in canola, cereals, corn, soybeans and forages. You get choice in herbicide systems, disease management, high yields and performance from every seed, across all your acres.No matter how you look at it, theres a Proven Seed that fits your farm. Only available at NutrienAg Solutions. Learn more at ProvenSeed.caProven Seed is a registered trademark of Nutrien Ag Solutions (Canada) Inc. Nutrien Ag Solutions and Design is a trademark of Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc. 09/19-65597-1v265597-1_NAS_2019_Proven_Generic_v2_8-25x10-875.indd 1 2019-09-27 8:30 AM'