Question: Your look-a-like cousin with a bad reputation is threatening to move into your neighbourhood. Everyone is...
Kim Kenward
Kim Kenward
R&D manager, 20/20 Seed Labs - Kim Kenward serves as research and development manager for 20/20 Seed Labs in Nisku, Alta. She is very involved in the area of seed quality policy and serves as chairperson of the Canadian ISO/TC 34/SC 16 committee (horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis). In her spare time, she likes to quilt.
The Bacterial Leaf Streak Situation is Evolving
Knowing what we don’t know can sometimes be the first step to making significant progress. That certainly is the case...
Why Genotypic Analysis is a Big Deal
For years, seed testing was done using phenotypic analysis. That is, we would look at the visible characteristics and...
New Tests for Soybean Cyst Nematode are Crucial to Fighting This Pathogen
Low-temperature scanning electron micrograph of soybean cyst nematode and its egg, magnified 1,000 times. Photo:...