Seed production and agriculture at large is an industry that relies on timing. The crop must be planted by a certain...
Sonja Begemann
Sonja Begemann
How to Manage Priorities, Personalities and Productivity During Busy Seasons
As planting season rolls on, many in the seed industry are inundated with requests, high-priority needs and other...
Imposter Syndrome is the Fraud, Not You
Learn how to overcome personal doubts and help employees do the same. Have you ever entered a new role, taken on new...
Quick Tips to Help Your or Employees Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Whether it’s starting a new role, expanding a role or just getting comfortable in an industry, workers can experience...
Season Four Seed Speaks Preview — The Hard Truth About Soft Skills
Our fourth season of Seed Speaks begins on April 12 and will focus on The Hard Truth of Soft Skills. Did you know that...
Farmers Eye Evolving Carbon Markets, Seed Companies Take Note
As carbon capture comes of age, how can seed genetics keep pace? Anyone who follows environmental news has heard that...
Turn Data into Action for Better Breeding
This week on Seed Speaks experts are taking a closer look at the vast amount of data available to seed variety...
Carbon Markets — From Far-Fetched, to Reality
With more farmers expressing interest in carbon markets, and lofty sustainability goals from many governments, it’s...
From Our Desk: Innovations that Move the Needle
Mother Nature isn’t pulling any punches, insects continue to attack, diseases are evolving and countless other threats...
NBT Regulations’ Domino Effect on Global Trade and Innovation
Technological advancements are moving at lightning speed and governments around the world are struggling to keep pace....
European Parliament Votes to Adopt Farm to Fork
The following piece is from our sister publication, European Seed. In late October, an overwhelming majority of the...
New Breeding Technology Policies Still To Be Determined
With the potential to cut breeding time in half, gene editing and other new breeding technologies prove the sky is the...
Preview: A Deep Dive Into NBTs Regulatory Status, Future and Place in Ag
Science is outpacing regulatory agencies around the world, and they’re scrambling to identify, categorize and regulate...
Editorial: A New Way to Absorb News
With so many policies changing, practices evolving and activists fighting agriculture at seemingly every stop, it can...
How to Get Ag Job Candidates to Accept an Offer
As the agriculture industry expands into more tech-related positions and even more precise biology requirements, the...
Vertical Veggies Mean Opportunities for Seed Companies are Sky-High
As you look to the future of vegetable growing, look up, not out. Vertical farms are taking urban centers by storm,...
5 Ways to Create a More Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment
The agriculture industry is making strides toward including more diversity in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. In...
Three Ways to Find Better Candidates for Ag Jobs
Without a doubt, one of the most daunting challenges in agriculture is finding and hiring talent. It’s a highly...
Commentary: How to Be a Mental Health Ally in Rural Areas
Who do you influence? And is that influence one you’re proud of? I just finished a study that discussed your circle of...
The Future of Farming Is Counting on Good Communicators
It can feel like farmers are being attacked from every angle, and often it feels undeserved. While agriculturalists...
Tips For Talking About GMOs and Science With Neighbours
Kevin Folta's passion for science and understanding how the world works started at a young age. Photo: Kevin Folta...