The following piece is from our sister publication, Germination.
BASF Canada Agricultural Solutions has received registration from Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) for Voraxor. Containing the first registration with the active ingredient Tirexor, Voraxor will be available to Western Canadian growers for the 2022 crop season, BASF said.
Voraxor offers Western Canadian growers a solution for rapid burndown control of broadleaf weeds, including many group 2, 4 and 9 resistant biotypes, as well as improved broad-spectrum burndown of broadleaf weeds, according to the company. Voraxor also provides control of winter annual and perennial weeds and residual suppression of several weeds at higher rates – most notably kochia, cleavers, volunteer canola and wild mustard. Voraxor is registered in Western Canada for use in field peas, lentils, soybeans, field corn, wheat and barley.
“In recent years, farmers have been faced with increasing group 2 and 9 herbicide resistance,” said Daniel Packer, Senior Brand Manager of Herbicides, BASF Canada Agricultural Solutions. “With the launch of Voraxor, growers can expect superior pre-seed burndown weed control and improved residual weed spectrum and consistency.”
BASF is hosting AgSolutions performance trials (APT) in 2021 so that growers have an opportunity to check out the product ahead of its 2022 launch.