Keep it Clean and Pre-Harvest Intervals

by | Aug 1, 2018 | Business, News

A reminder from the Alberta Pulse Growers about pre-harvest intervals and the Keep it Clean campaign. Nevin Rosaasen, policy and program specialist with Alberta Pulse, explains the initiative.“Keep it Clean is an information campaign for producers who are using crop protection products, so we can maintain market access to the different countries where our crops are ultimately exported,” says Rosaasen.

With harvest season right around the corner, Rosaasen says that producers will be looking at their options for either pre-harvest weed control or a desiccation product.

“Producers need to be aware of market risks that can exist due to maximum residue limits. They ultimately have to observe the label, and they need to make sure the timing of their application is indeed correct with the label’s application guidelines. Producers also need to ensure they adhere to the pre-harvest interval which is the time from applying a product until it is either swathed or combined.”

More than 85 per cent of Canada’s pulse production is exported around the world. Market Considerations for Use of Pulse Crop Protection Products found on under pulse crops is published quarterly to inform pulse producers of the latest information concerning crop protection products and market access.

Rosaasen adds that a spray to swath calculator for pulse crops is being developed, similar to what now exists for canola crops. “For all the different products including late season fungicides, you can enter the product in on your smart phone. You can look at what the pre-harvest interval is, whether you are swathing to put the crop into windrows for additional dry down or straight cut harvesting for pulse crops, cereals, and canola.”

Keep it Clean is a cross Canada working group, involving Canola Council of Canada, Pulse Canada, Cereals Canada, Prairie Oat Growers Association, and Barley Council of Canada.

For more information about pre-harvest intervals in Alberta pulse crops, contact Nevin Rosaasen.


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