Fifteen per cent of all of Alberta’s crop are combined and in the bin, the Aug. 22 provincial crop report said. This is ahead of the five and 10-year averages which is nine per cent.
By region, there is 37 per cent of the crop harvested in the south, two per cent in the north east, one per cent in the north west and two per cent in the Peace. The report noted winter cereals harvest is nearing completion, while the dry pea harvest is progressing in all regions.
Yield estimates are unchanged from the last crop report. Barley and oat yields are revised up 1.5 and 1.6 bushels per acre respectively, and spring wheat, canola, and dry peas yields all revised up 0.5 bushels per acre.
“Provincial major crop yield estimates remain lower than average, with the exception of oats. The provincial yield indexes, which state 2023 yields as a percentage of the historical averages, indicate that provincial major crop yield estimates are at 86 per cent compared to the past five years and 84 per cent compared to the last 10 years,” the release said.
The report noted that significant rain has fallen across Alberta with a large swath of the north west, north east, and eastern Peace regions receiving over 40 mm, some areas even received over 80 mm.
“These regions have continued to receive above average precipitation over the last 30 days, which is reported to have helped crop development. Currently the north east, north west, and Peace regions are reporting yield expectations and harvest progress near long-term averages. However, the continued lack of precipitation in the south and central regions is reported to have negatively impacted crops, as harvest progress is ahead of normal in these regions while yield estimates remain below the long-term averages.”
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