Much Needed Rain Received in Southern Alberta

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Crop Production, Weather

Across Alberta over the past two weeks rain has been received boosting crop growth, the June 14 provincial crop report said. The southern half, where dry conditions were starting to impact crops and forages, received much needed rain.

Precipitation accumulation over the past two weeks has ranged from 10 mm in the northern parts of the Peace region to more than 150 mm in areas west of the central region. The report noted that in the extreme southeast and eastern parts of the province about 20 to 50 mm of rain was received, which boosted crops growth, but more moisture is needed to ensure sustainable growth over the season. In the western half of the central and south regions, precipitation accumulation was at least 100 mm in two weeks, placing some areas at risk to flooding, especially by the foothills.

Provincially crop growing conditions are rated at 75 per cent good to excellent, slightly behind the five- year and 10-year averages of 78 per cent and 76 per cent, respectively.  Regionally, the growing condition ratings were the highest in the north west and central regions, followed by north east and peace. The report said in the south, central and north east, crop condition ratings are below five-year averages.

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