Wheat Growers Launch NoFarmCarbonTax Petition

by | Nov 21, 2019 | News

With the new federal cabinet being sworn in, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers are launching a new “NoFarmCarbonTax” petition and website. A letter has been sent to the Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food as well as the Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change to detail the financial burden that the carbon tax places on grain farmers.

“The federal government is adding a carbon tax onto virtually all the inputs that grain farmers need to grow our crops. In particular the cost of grain drying this fall has seen the carbon tax add as high as 30% or more,” said Gunter Jochum, President.

The NoFarmCarbonTax petition may be found at www.NoFarmCarbonTax.com and also asks farmers to submit their energy bill and the carbon tax values in order to show the federal government how big an imposition this is.

We encourage grain farmers to take a moment, join this campaign and send a clear message to Ottawa.

“Grain farmers have been particularly hard hit this fall with the rain and snow. Grain drying has been crucial in order to save this year’s harvest and yet the federal government is adding a carbon tax and GST on top of our expenses. They are seriously impacting a fragile market,” said Daryl Fransoo, Director.

Source: Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association


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