Eighteen Per cent of Alberta Crop Harvested

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Crop Production

Harvest progress for major crops is reported at 18 per cent complete across Alberta, the Aug. 29 provincial crop report said. The south and central regions are ahead of long-term averages while the Peace is reporting average harvest progress and the north east and north west are slightly behind historical averages.

“Reports indicate that harvest is progressing rapidly in the South and Central regions due to continued hot and dry conditions. In the northern regions of the province, reports indicate that cool and wet weather over the past week has continued to slow harvest progress,” the report said.

The report noted that secondary growth has occurred in the spring cereal and canola crops in the northern regions due to significant rainfall through July and August. This is leading producers to either leave the crop standing until the second growth matures or swathing the crop to get it to dry out.

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