78 | Advancing Seed in Alberta Telephone: 403-335-4929 Email:
[email protected] Select Growers & Seed Processors BARLEY: CDC BOW CDC COPELAND CDC FRASER CDC HAYMAKER OATS PEAS: CDC INCA AAC LACOMBE CDC MEADOW WHEAT: AAC BRANDON AAC PENHOLD AAC REDBERRY AAC REDWATER CANADA WESTERN SPECIAL PURPOSE Variety Overall Station Years of Testing Overall Yield Yield Category (Carberry): Agronomic Characteristics: Disease Tolerance: Low < 55 (bu/ ac) Medium 55 - 80 (bu/ac) High > 80 (bu/ ac) Maturity Rating Pro- tein % Test Weight (lb/bu) TKW (g) Height (cm) Awns (Y/N) Resistance to: Loose Smut Bunt Stripe Rust Leaf Spot FHB Ldg. Sprt. Varieties tested in the 2018 trials (Yield and agronomic data only directly comparable to Carberry) Carberry (bu/ac) 71 37 58 83 Carberry - check 54 100 100 100 100 L 14 63 40 79 Y VG F MR R MR MS MR AAC Awesome VB 41 135 XX 134 139 L -2.5 62 44 89 Y G P I I R I I Alderon 41 135 XX 122 143 XL -2.8 58 41 74 N VG F XX MS MR I XX Charing VB ▲ 41 138 XX 135 143 XL -2.5 60 41 79 N VG G XX XX R MR XX Sparrow VB 41 136 XX 130 141 XL -2.6 60 41 79 N VG G XX I MR I XX Pasteur 30 131 XX 127 135 XL -3 63 40 81 N VG G MS S MR I I Previously tested varieties Carberry - check 100 100 100 100 L 14 63 40 79 Y VG F MR R MR MS MR AAC Innova 38 128 XX 126 130 L -3.4 60 41 82 Y G P S S R I S AAC NRG097 † 41 118 122 113 119 L -3.2 63 47 80 Y G F I R S I I CDC NRG003 † 51 114 111 117 113 M -2.1 61 43 80 Y G F MS R XX MS S SY087 41 114 117 115 113 M -1.6 63 40 82 Y G F MS MR MR I MR Remarks: For explanations on data summarization methods, abbreviations and other pertinent information, please see the comments at the beginning of this publication. The long term average maturity for Carberry is 108 days and rated as Late (L). Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) infection is highly influenced by the environment and heading date. Under high levels of FHB all varieties will sustain damage. Mod- erately Resistant (MR) and Resistant (R) ratings for FHB do not equate to immunity. Varieties rated Intermediate (I) to Susceptible (S) for loose smut or bunt should be treated with a systemic seed treatment to reduce the potential for infection. VB - designates a varietal blend to preserve the Sm1 orange wheat blossom midge tolerance gene. XX - Insufficient data to describe. † - Flagged for possible removal in 2020. WHEAT - CWSP S F R C ALDERON BI: KWS-UK, DIST: SeCan Members Stamp Seeds / Enchant / (403) 739-2233 C* Templeton, Doran & Brant / Lethbridge / (403) 345-4144 R C Witdouck, Dale / Iron Springs / (403) 738-4395 C PASTEUR BI: Wiersum Plant Breeding, DIST: SeCan Members Sim, Darwin & Derek / Ponoka / (780) 372-2111 C Witdouck, Dale / Iron Springs / (403) 738-4395 R cereals – performance trials and grower directory